Hello, IDMTs!

We entered a new SCOD period and were minding our business and then BOOM….PANDEMIC! IDMTs have been valued as extensive medical force extenders during this challenging time. Continue to brag about your job and recruit eager A1Cs-SSgts to fill the ranks. We will continue to maintain our 15-student class capacity for the rest of FY20 and FY21. Our manning is slowly starting to trickle up and it’s all due to your recruitment efforts. Thank you!

Additionally, after much talk and effort, the IDMT corps has been approved to wear the IDMT duty badge! This is an effort that has taken decades to come to fruition. A huge thank you goes to our supporters at the higher headquarters level who helped to get the approval and the IDMT Association for funding the badge’s manufacturing. We only have the OCP occupational patch and Service Dress Blues duty badge at present. We do not have a mini-badge for the Mess Dress.

Now is the perfect time to make sure that your records are in order. Please conduct a SURF review to ensure that your AFSC and SEIs are reflecting. Unless you are in a developmental special duty, they should all be 4N0X1C (with the appropriate skill level). Caveat, the DAFSC might be 4N0X1 if there are no current IDMT positions at your unit. That’s a rare, short-lived anomaly that your 4N Functional should be tracking but it is nothing that affects your PAFSC or CAFSC. They should both be 4N0X1C. Having the incorrect PAFSC would prevent you from receiving the reenlistment bonus and affect other administrative actions (like manning numbers tallies). Also, having the incorrect DAFSC would prevent you from receiving your special duty pay. Have your supervisor complete an AF From 2096 to correct any errors.

Lastly, welcome the new IDMT Editorial Team:

Teams Lead: MSgt Angelica Santana/MSgt Jose Rodriguez

Editor: MSgt Benjamin Lifto/TSgt Richard Reid

IDMT News: TSgt Keiyata Styr James

IDMT Heritage: SSgt Alexia Humphrey

IDMT Mentorship: TSgt Melissa Moreau

IDMT Training Opportunities: TSgt John Kelvin Garcia

I look forward to their submissions and know that they will continue to take the IDMT editorial onward and upward!

As always, I am available for consultation and feedback, feel free to fill out the contact information form below.

Your devoted Consultant,

SMSgt Vanity Davis

Published by IDMT Newsletter

Independent Duty Medical Technician Quarterly Newsletter

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