Consultant’s Corner

Greetings, IDMTs!

It has been a busy few months since the last report! We have made significant progress in several areas and I am confident that we can continue to carry the momentum into other programs and projects to enhance your ability to perform. Here are a few of the wins and future projects that I would like to highlight:

Program Coordinator’s Handbook

Let’s face it – managing the IDMT program can be a monster that even a seasoned medic can struggle to maintain. We have reinvigorated a much-needed handbook for Program Coordinators to use and the results have far exceeded my expectations. A special thanks for TSgt Jack Williams for gathering updated material and breathing life back into the guide. You can find it on the newly updated Knowledge Exchange (Kx) page along with several other updates. Please have a look and let me know how I can better improve this resource for you and your support teams.

Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) Rights

The MHS-Genesis development team has been working overtime to provide a viable solution for our autonomy within the EHR. As of this article, several IDMTs at our pilot sites are wrapping up the field testing process. This has been a fantastic review by your peers to make the role work as it needs to. I’m very pleased to announce that the new role, coined the Independent Duty Enlisted Provider (IDEP) will be live by mid-November and your GPMs should be made aware of the role as soon as it is ready. For sites transitioning to MHS-G in the next wave (January), this role will be live and imbedded for your use. Here’s how it works:

The primary role is that of an Ambulatory Nurse. The developers have added exceptions to include provider and support (tech) functions as well to meet our capabilities. This means there will be no more flipping between roles to do our multiple skillsets. Our Authorized Drug Listing is built in – you will not have to seek a preceptor to activate meds unless they fall outside of the protocols. Labs/Rads/Referrals can be placed by you as the IDMT (Consulting Provider), but will still require activation by the preceptor (Ordering Provider) in order to provide follow-up review and actions as required.

More information should be available when your sites receive the role and begin implementation. Please reach out if you have any issues or identify any missed medications from the ADL (ie. Combination meds like Mucinex-D).

Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) Recertification

Our proposal for SDAP has been pushed forward and we are now in the holding pattern for review and recommendations. I hope that we can continue to incentivize and compensate your higher skills within the 4N field. Once I get any word on the outcome, you all will be made aware!

Review/Update of IDMT Guidance, Forms, & Publications

Every few years, we have a deep dive into the current regulations, user guide, and supporting documents that IDMTs use on a consistent basis. That time has come and I’m beginning to review these documents to propose new changes or revisions. Many MAJCOMs have already approved a modified 4336 for use, and I’m pleased with the products in the field. I’d like to make several of these changes into policy, so expect to see some of that occurring soon. These changes do take time to route through all echelons, but know that we are doing our very best to keep your role well-defined and relevant.

One of the big-hitting items currently being worked is the creation of our own Comprehensive Medical Readiness Program (CMRP) requirements. We are looking to develop a unique list of requirements tailored to the IDMT role for more sustainable mission-oriented tasks. Again, this will take a bit to formulate. I’ll likely be reaching out to several of you to help bring this task into fruition!

Your ideas are what brings about the solutions you see in place! I’m incredibly proud to be working for you and helping to make things “make sense.” Keep the concerns and ideas coming…together we can accelerate change!

Honored to serve you,

SMSgt Aaron B. Smith

Published by IDMT Newsletter

Independent Duty Medical Technician Quarterly Newsletter

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