A Message of Thanks

I would like to express my gratitude in this public forum for allowing my team and I to express our creative skills in order to not just continue, but to grow this IDMT Newsletter.

It has been an honor to provide content for your reading leisure. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did.

Thank you SMSgt Vanity Davis (Ret). She roped me into this saying I should help the newsletter, later finding out I will be placed in the lead position.. CLASSIC Vanity! I hope that I was able to at least meet your expectations.

To my crew, let me brag about you guys…

Katie Watson ran this newsletter! She redesigned the whole website providing a simplistic yet elegant overall look. She carried us through when most of us started falling off due to deployments, TDYs, PCS, or just life in general. This was on top of her full time schooling, paramedic refresher, TDYs, and PCS to Camp Darby, Italy! I hope you continue writing as it shows that it is your passion!

Ivette Brueggemann delivered amazing content while maintaining all her programs and absolutely shining through her SAVs! Her connections gave us masterpiece mentoring editorials.

Robert Rose must have been annoyed with us with all of the text messages he received while teaching fledgling IDMTs. He was, without a doubt, our best connection to the Schoolhouse by providing us current news straight from the horse’s mouth.

Francisco Schmalbach, newly graduated from IDMT school, volunteered to join the newsletter team. He recently PCS’d to his first IDMT gig and then was deployed later in 2021. A dark horse, this man delivered an inspiring piece that was incredibly touching.

Kshena Fuentes was a great mentor for our team! She Proved resiliency is not just a PowerPoint training slide, but something we should abide by professionally and personally.

Jose Obregon had one goal in mind: To prepare our IDMTs through training both through the newsletter and as a CSTARS cadre.

SMSgt Aaron Smith, thank you for the guidance, opportunity, and support you’ve given this team!

I am absolutely proud and honored to work with an amazing crew and I hope that the next crew will be blessed with same amount of enthusiasm and knowledge that my crew brought to the table.

MSgt Dela Calzada

Published by IDMT Newsletter

Independent Duty Medical Technician Quarterly Newsletter

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