Spotlight: AFSOC

Greetings fellow IDMT’s,

I am SMSgt George Gonzalez Jr., the AFSOC 4N functional manager, and I have been sitting in this seat since September. 

I have been asked by the IDMT Newsletter to explain the process of becoming an AFSOC IDMT.  I’m sure you have noticed the indefinite ad for AFSOC has been taken down from the Assignment Management System. Well, the ad was taken down because it caused some confusion. Many IDMT candidates did not know what position or location they were applying for when they submitted an application and waited for an assignment. The intention of the ad was to create a pool of qualified IDMT’s to quickly turn and fill a slot. 

The new way ahead is that I will post an ad when a position becomes available. AFSOC can hire to the Air Force World Wide Average of IDMT’s, not based on positions available. For example, current IDMT manning is at 58% for the Air Force so AFSOC can have ~58% of IDMT positions filled. There are exceptions: There is units that only have 1 IDMT that need to be filled, but as a MAJCOM we’ll be manned similarly to the rest of the Air Force. The leadership at the unit level will be the hiring POC with their contact information will be on the ad. These will be posted on AMS and forwarded to all MAJCOM 4N Functional Managers.

There are two key IDMT positions that will be posted on AMS

A Special Operations Forces Medical Element (SOFME) IDMT

Special Operations Forces Medical Element (SOFME) IDMT. Performs duties as an IDMT, Paramedic, and Operational Support Flyer (OSF) at home station and austere locations.  Provides medical support and casualty evacuation (CASEVAC) for AFSOC and sister service Special Operations Forces (SOF) and establishes bare base operations in austere, forward and/or sensitive locations. Tasking’s may include, but are not limited to; preventive and occupational healthcare, routine healthcare, emergent point-of-injury trauma care, damage control resuscitation, prolonged field care, aeromedical decision making, aircraft mishap investigation, and medical support for Global Healthcare Engagement/security operations. The AFSOC medic will use all sources of medical intelligence to develop medical plans, and advise commanders on medical threat mitigation.

Special Tactics Squadron (STS) IDMT

These IDMT’s Serves as an IDMT in a STS Ambulatory Care Unit (ACU) in one AFSOC’s Special Tactics (ST) units. Duties include, but are not limited to care and treatment of Squadron personnel, preventive and occupational healthcare, emergent point of injury trauma care, coordination of medical support for ST training events, and advanced medical instruction. Additionally, will schedule medical training requirements for Pararescue Specialist (PJ), Combat Controller (CCT), Tactical Air Control Party Specialist (TACP) and Special Reconnaissance (SR).

How do I prepare?

There are a lot of great IDMT’s and senior 4N’s out there that can help you out. Best advice, reach out and find yourself a good mentor, keep building your IDMT skills, and make sure you’re staying fit. Each AFSOC position has different physical standards. If you’re scoring in the 90’s for your annual fitness assessment, keep it up. If not, try to get as close as you can as there is plenty of time. There is time on station guidelines you will need to follow to be eligible to apply for a position. You can apply at the ~18 month mark TOS,(Report date of 2 years after arrival to your current base) for stateside at  ~3 year TOS (report date 4 years after TOS). 

Keep your calendar marked to check AMS once a week. That is how I discovered my opportunity as a young SSgt. Additionally, if you have a family or plan to have a family, this should be a discussion you have with them. The job is rewarding, but it can be difficult on the family if they are not prepared.

In addition, you can start preparing your formal application.

Here are the requirement for an STS IDMT


1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW AFI 36-2110.

2. Must be a TSgt or SSgt with seven skill level and must be an Independent Duty Medical Technician

3. Must have a minimum of two years’ experience as a 4N0X1C.

4. Must be in excellent physical condition and must be a competent swimmer. Profiles restricting Airman’s participation in regular strenuous aerobic and anaerobic exercise will not be permitted.

5. Certified Nationally Registered Paramedic desired, if not, must be able to attend Nationally Registered Paramedic (NRP) formal training course.

6. Must be prepared to go TDY extensively. There is a possibility that potentially greater than 50% of the Airman’s time could be spent TDY.

7. Must have excellent military bearing, appearance, and high moral standards. No history of mental instability and must demonstrate high professional and military qualifications. No UIFs, Articles 15, history of financial instability or other disciplinary actions.

8. Must be able to work independently and under austere conditions. Initiative, flexibility and good communication (oral and written) are a must for these positions.

9. Minimum overall rating of “AC-Exceeded some but not all expectations” on last three performance reports, Airman must not have any negative quality factors within the last three years.

10. Must be able to complete the standard Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) with a score of 80 percent in each event with an overall score of 240 or greater in the individual’s age group IAW the Regimental APFT Standard and swim 300 meters untimed (in uniform. no boots), with any stroke for entry into the Special Forces Dive Medical Technician Course.

11. Be a U.S. citizen and have the ability to obtain an official passport.
12. Must be world-wide qualified and able to deploy without any physical or duty limiting conditions


1. Airmen must select the volunteer button in EQUAL-Plus to be considered a volunteer for the assignment.

2. Last three enlisted performance reports.

3. Last five physical fitness evaluations.

4. Letter from Airman stating career plans and Special Operations assignment.

5. Commanders must provide the following in memorandum format: “I have personally reviewed the records of (grade, name, last 4 SSAN) and certify they contain no disqualifying data that would preclude selection for Special Operations Command Medic duty. I have consulted with the MAJCOM or MDG Senior 4N and determined Airman meets all requirements for this assignment.”

6. Memorandum from supervisor validating 80 or higher on all components of the APFT and completion of 300 meter swim.

7. E-mail formal application to SMSgt George Gonzalez, Jr.,<>




1. Must meet minimum PCS eligibility requirements per Section C of this PSD Guide IAW AFI 36-2110.

2. Must be at least a SrA with a five skill level and must be an Independent Duty Medical Technician (Airmen currently enrolled in course J3ALR4N051C00AB are eligible to apply however selection will be contingent upon successful course completion). Current certification as a National Registered Emergency Medical Technician (NREMT) that will not lapse within a year of reporting date.

3. Must have a minimum of three years’ experience as a 4N0X1.

4. Must possess, at a minimum, a secret security clearance. Some duty locations may require a higher level of clearance.

5. Completed Class III or 9C flight physical and certified according to AFMAN 48-143.

6. Must be in excellent physical condition and must be a competent swimmer. Profiles restricting Airman’s participation in regular strenuous aerobic and anaerobic exercise will not be permitted.

7. Must have exceptionally high motivation and the aptitude necessary to excel at Independent Duty Medical Technician (IDMT) and Nationally Registered Paramedic (NRP) formal training schools.

8. Must be prepared to go TDY extensively. There is a possibility that potentially greater than 50% of the Airman’s time could be spent TDY.

9. Must have excellent military bearing, appearance, and high moral standards. No history of mental instability and must demonstrate high professional and military qualifications. No UIFs, Articles 15, history of financial instability or other disciplinary actions.

10. Must be able to work independently and under austere conditions. Initiative, flexibility and good communication (oral and written) are a must for these positions.

11. Minimum overall rating of “AC-Exceeded some but not all expectations” on last three performance reports, Airman must not have any negative quality factors within the last three years.

12. Be able to swim a minimum of 15-meters (one pool length) while wearing full uniform (excluding boots).

13. Be a U.S. citizen and have the ability to obtain an official passport.


1. Airmen must select the volunteer button in EQUAL-Plus to be considered a volunteer for the assignment.

2. Copy of Airman certified class III flight physical with the following statement “Airman does not have a fear of the dark or confined spaces”.

3. Last five enlisted performance reports.

4. Last five physical fitness evaluations.

5. Letter from Airman stating career plans and Special Operations assignment.

6. Commanders must provide the following in memorandum format: “I have personally reviewed the records of (grade, name, last 4 SSAN) and certify they contain no disqualifying data that would preclude selection for Special Operations Command Medic duty. Airman is capable of swimming 15 meters in uniform. I have consulted with the MAJCOM or MDG Senior 4N and determined Airman meets all requirements for this assignment.”

7. E-mail formal application to SMSgt George Gonzalez, Jr.,<>

I hope this answers questions you may have. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to shoot me an email. I am more than happy to discuss anything.


SMSgt George “Gonzo” Gonzalez, Jr.

Published by IDMT Newsletter

Independent Duty Medical Technician Quarterly Newsletter

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