TSgt Flores: Your Friendly Neighborhood IDMT

Interview by TSgt Ivette Brueggemann Hello! I am TSgt Rebecca Flores. I was born in Southern California but raised in Texas. I am currently stationed at Lackland Air Force Base working at the Basic Military Training site. I recently just hit my 16 year mark in the military.  I started this journey with my firstContinue reading “TSgt Flores: Your Friendly Neighborhood IDMT”

Interview: Finding Perspective and Purpose

MSgt Bernard Bueno: Interview by TSgt Ivette Brueggemann: “It can always be worse” – a phrase that I usually say to myself to help bring some optimism to a less than ideal situation. Now, as I look back and reflect on all the experiences that I have been through, I cannot help but shake myContinue reading “Interview: Finding Perspective and Purpose”


By: TSgt John Kelvin Garcia “Without adventitious sounds: no bronchophony, egophony, or whisprered pectoriloquy on anterior or posterior.”  This is an age old statement that most, if not all of us have said at least a hundred times during IDMT school and after. Up to this day, this is still echoed in the halls during the times I haveContinue reading “INTERVIEWS IN THE WORLD OF TRAINING”

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