The Common Cold: It Still Exists

By: MSgt Dela Calzada The common cold, both bane of our IDMT existence and star-crossed lover. The ultimate diagnosis we are tired of treating, yet also the best filler for our patient encounter sheets. How much do we really know about this illness? Will we ever find a cure? What does the future of theContinue reading “The Common Cold: It Still Exists”

Training: The Nagging Complaint of Headaches

By SSgt Katelyn Watson A headache is one of the most common complaints seen in a clinical setting, yet the approach to the management of this condition can be quite complicated. How can IDMT’s provide adequate medical care to these members at the most basic level of our practice? How can we better assist theContinue reading “Training: The Nagging Complaint of Headaches”

Training: The Pain of Back Pain

By Katelyn Watson: Lower back pain, lumbar dysfunction, lumbago, strain – whatever you want to call it! Most of us have a generalized understanding of the importance of core strength in relation to spine stability to decrease lower back pain. We know that lower back pain can often be caused by muscle imbalances from theContinue reading “Training: The Pain of Back Pain”

Training: Heat Injuries

The IDMT Approach By SSgt Katelyn Watson: Whether you are treating heat exhaustion on the Basic Military Training tarmac or providing life saving interventions within the EMS protocols, all IDMTs must recognize and treat heat-related injuries within their scope of practice. What exactly is our scope of practice? If we were to just use ourContinue reading “Training: Heat Injuries”


By: TSgt John Kelvin Garcia “Without adventitious sounds: no bronchophony, egophony, or whisprered pectoriloquy on anterior or posterior.”  This is an age old statement that most, if not all of us have said at least a hundred times during IDMT school and after. Up to this day, this is still echoed in the halls during the times I haveContinue reading “INTERVIEWS IN THE WORLD OF TRAINING”

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