A Message of Thanks

I would like to express my gratitude in this public forum for allowing my team and I to express our creative skills in order to not just continue, but to grow this IDMT Newsletter. It has been an honor to provide content for your reading leisure. I hope you all enjoyed it as much asContinue reading “A Message of Thanks”

How To: Have A Successful PCS to a GSU

By SSgt Katelyn Watson After settling in to my new Geographically Separated Unit (GSU) here at the 731st Munitions Squadron in Camp Darby Italy, I wanted to assist other IDMT’s in the process of being assigned to these unique places. Even if you are a legacy IDMT or a new graduate, the process of aContinue reading “How To: Have A Successful PCS to a GSU”

An IDMT Perspective on the Refugee Mission

by Ssgt. Francisco Schmalbach What a year! I finished IDMT training in February of 2021 and was assigned to McConnell AFB in March of 2021. With only a few months of experience under my belt, I was tasked with a 4 month deployment to Udeid Air Base (DEID) in August, 2021. As I began thisContinue reading “An IDMT Perspective on the Refugee Mission”

Opinion Piece: How To Be A Marketable IDMT

By SSgt Katelyn Watson Gone are the days of being non-volunteered into this career field. The new generation of IDMT’s want to be part of this community. They are hungry, driven, and eager to serve their country while utilizing their broad scope of practice. While our career field is small, our opportunities are vast. WeContinue reading “Opinion Piece: How To Be A Marketable IDMT”

Training: IDMT Approach to Post-Covid

By Katelyn Watson: We have survived more than a year and a half into this deadly and devastating pandemic! Our steadfast IDMT’s have been on the frontlines guiding our medical groups and aide stations while providing safe and effective treatment for our patients. While we have become experts at diagnosing covid-like symptoms, many providers areContinue reading “Training: IDMT Approach to Post-Covid”

Rescind 3 April 2020 Memo, “Change to Independent Duty Medical Technician (IDMT) Ancillary Service and Medication Ordering Permissions.”

Effective immediately, IDMTs will have their Composite Health Care System (CHCS) Order Signature Class 3 or “Health Care Provider” (HCP) profile in electronic health records changed to CHCS Order Signature Class 1. The memo is being rescinded to minimize patient safety risk of delayed diagnosis due to missed critical result notification and to support theContinue reading “Rescind 3 April 2020 Memo, “Change to Independent Duty Medical Technician (IDMT) Ancillary Service and Medication Ordering Permissions.””

Temporary Reduction in Independent Duty Medical Technician (IDMT) Sustainment Training Requirements and Addition of Mental Health Assessment (MHA) Training

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic operations and restriction of movement (ROM) policy, MTFs have reduced or closed services. This reduction has limited the patient encounter sustainment training for the IDMTs. In an effort to ease the constraint on IDMTs affected by the ROM measures and reduced face-to-face patient encounter opportunities, sustainment training patient encounters willContinue reading “Temporary Reduction in Independent Duty Medical Technician (IDMT) Sustainment Training Requirements and Addition of Mental Health Assessment (MHA) Training”

Letters from The Editorial Team 2020-2021

MSgt Angelica Santana Fellow IDMTs, It has been my pleasure to serve as a part of our newsletter committee.  The flexibility and diversity of our career field has been the focal point of this newsletter.  Even during these trying times, you continue to demonstrate grit and dedication to the job.  This newsletter is an avenueContinue reading “Letters from The Editorial Team 2020-2021”

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